Welcome to the official website for the Environmental Impact Statement for SpaceX’s Starship-Super Heavy operations at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station. The purpose of this website is to share information with the public including key milestones and opportunities for engagement.
Starship-Super Heavy Operations at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station Environmental Impact Statement
About the Project
The U.S. Department of the Air Force (DAF) is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to assess the potential environmental impacts of this project. The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires federal agencies to assess anticipated environmental impacts of their proposed actions, disclose their findings to the public, and solicit public input on their proposals. The EIS will:
Describe the affected environment
Evaluate potential impacts from the proposed action and alternatives
Propose mitigation to avoid, minimize, or reduce potential for adverse impacts
For more information regarding the NEPA process, click here.
Project Milestones
Publish Notice of Intent
Conduct scoping meeting and solicit public comments
Conduct studies and evaluations and prepare Draft EIS
Publish Draft EIS
Conduct public hearing and solicit public comments on Draft EIS
Consider and analyze public comments on Draft EIS
Publish Final EIS
Issue Record of Decision with Selected Alternative
Publish Notice of Intent
Conduct scoping meeting and solicit public comments
Conduct studies and evaluations and prepare Draft EIS
Publish Draft EIS
Conduct public hearing and solicit public comments on Draft EIS
Consider and analyze public comments on Draft EIS
Publish Final EIS
Issue Record of Decision with Selected Alternative
Recorded Virtual Meeting link
The virtual meeting includes a narrated slideshow highlighting the exhibit boards that were originally presented during the in-person meetings.
Public Meetings
Public involvement is a crucial component of preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). It provides the public with an opportunity to review and comment on the proposed action and potential environmental impacts. Public scoping is conducted in the early stages of EIS development to solicit comments from the public and agencies about potential issues that should be analyzed in the EIS. This could include resource areas that may be affected by the proposed action, impacts from past or ongoing projects, sufficiency of alternatives being considered, and study areas being evaluated.
Meeting 1
Tuesday, March 5, 2024
4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Catherine Schweinsberg Rood Central Cocoa Library, 308 Forrest Ave, Cocoa, FL 32922
Meeting 2
Wednesday, March 6, 2024
4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Titusville Civic Center, 4220 S Hopkins Ave, Titusville, FL 32780
Meeting 3
Thursday, March 7, 2024
4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Radisson Resort at The Port, 8701 Astronaut Blvd, Cape Canaveral, FL, 32920
Latest News
February 2024
Notice of Intent published in Federal Register
March 2024
Public scoping meetings were held to solicit public comments
Spring/Summer 2024
Conduct studies and evaluations and prepare the Draft EIS

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